Donate to help the work of St Firmin’s Church

Please consider helping us to continue to be active within our communities, offering support and prayer Thank you for your support.

You can donate by scanning the QR code below with your mobile phone camera

If you prefer this is a link to a direct debit form for either regular or one off donations,  donors will need to print the form off and fill it in by hand and either post it to or scan it and send it to Thurlby PCC, 98 Northorpe, Bourne, Lincs, PE10 0HZ or email to as an email attachment, in which case please include your email address


Ride and Stride for Churches

Many thanks to Richard Lomas -Brown who took part in the annual Ride and Stride for Churches, raising £175 , this money is split between the Lincolnshire Churches Trust and the nominated church – in this case St Firmin’s Church. This was a wonderful effort by, Richard who rode from St Firmins Thurlby to Lincoln Cathedral calling at many churches on the way. Many thanks for your support Richard.