The Ness Group.

 St Firmin’s Church Thurlby.
 St John the Baptist, Baston.
 St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft

In the Ness group we intend to maintain our commitment to high standards of worship and Christian teaching, supported by the best pastoral care.

Particularly important in the life of our churches, is the ministry to children. Each baptism we celebrate is the start of membership of the church. We seek to nurture that membership by welcoming children at
our regular family services – Faith, fun, food. Each church hosts a family service once a month, on a different Sunday to enable children to attend more frequently if they are able.

Each of our churches have a Sunday service plus the third and fifth Sundays the churches come together for group service. We also have BCP services three times a month, and a midweek service on a
Thursday morning – both these services rotate weekly around the Group. There is also an online service, at present weekly, and online Morning Prayer Monday to Friday.

Our churches are all beautiful grade 1 listed buildings, worshipped in for hundreds of years, as such the fabric can take large sums of money to maintain them for future generations.

A legacy to be used at the discretion of the Vicar and the Parochial Church Council is the best way in which to help our churches. It gives the named church the flexibility to use your gift in the most effective
way at any given time in the future. However, if you prefer to direct your bequest to a specific purpose we should be happy to provide such details as you may require.

We are immensely grateful to those who have already made provision for one of our Ness Group churches in their wills, or who have already made donations. Thank you for this wonderful support.

Types of Legacy

A residual legacy involves leaving all or part of the residue of your estate, after other bequests to your family and friends have been made and expenses have been met. This way the real value of the gift you
decide to leave is protected.

A pecuniary legacy allows you to give a specific sum of money, which may be linked to the RPI (Retail Price Index).

A reversionary legacy involves leaving all or part of your assets to Trustees so that it only reverts to the named church when your spouse, partner or dependant dies, and that beneficiary has the full benefit of
the income from it during their lifetime.

A conditional legacy leaves all or part of your estate to a particular person, but in the event that they die before you then the legacy would go to the named church.

A specific legacy is the gift of a specified possession to the named church. This may be in the form of property, valuable, works of art or stocks and shares.

A life assurance policy which has the named church as its beneficiary enables you to provide for this church during your lifetime for the benefit of its work after your death. In this way, you can, for the
relatively modest outlay in premium, ensure a major benefit for this church.

A deed of variation enables you to transfer all or part of your inheritance to the named church if you are a beneficiary under a will. Gifts thus transferred are free of Inheritance Tax, affording this church
the opportunity to benefit during your lifetime.